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Athlete Recovery

If you take your training & sports seriously, you need to take your recovery seriously too!

We've got you covered with the best recovery tools used by elite athletes to help them recover faster and perform better. Our recovery sessions are up to 60 minutes with your choice any of our recovery tools. We have single session visits or choose from our membership options


Compression Boots

Whether you've had a tough game on field, put in extra work on leg day at the gym or even just ran a few extra kms than usual our compression boots are the key to faster recovery.

-Increases blood flow

-Activates the lymphatic system to remove waste products like lactic acid

-Improves lymphatic drainage

- Decreases delayed muscles soreness

- Relaxing and soothing




Ice Baths

Not for the faint of heart! 

These never get easier no matter how many times you do them. Ice baths have a myriad of benefits both physically and mentally.

- Reduces inflammation

- Decreases physical recovery time

- Builds mental fortitude

- Improves mood & libido

- Reduces fatigue & tension


Infrared Sauna

De-stress and unwind in our spacious infrared sauna. Saunas have long been used in Scandinavia for health and longevity. The main difference between a traditional sauna and infrared is that there is no steam (infrared panels heat the body directly) so there's no feeling of claustrophobia, allowing you to relax and get a good sweat session.

- Improves cardiovascular health

- Improves blood flow & circulation

- Decreases stress

- Improves sleep

- Decreases joint stiffness

- Improves skin

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